
The audience plays a crucial and active role in the success of the 4th International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICEMAC 2023), both in the offline and hybrid formats. As key participants, the audience members encompass a diverse group of scholars, researchers, practitioners, industry experts, and students, each contributing uniquely to the conference's overall objectives.

The audience serves as a receptive and engaged audience during paper presentations, keynote speeches, and panel discussions. By actively listening to the insights shared by presenters and speakers, attendees gain access to cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies, and practical applications in management, accounting, and economy. The diverse backgrounds and experiences of the audience contribute to a multidimensional learning environment, fostering the sharing of knowledge and best practices across different industries and academic disciplines.

Product Information

  • Program: International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting
  • Name Product: Audience (ONLINE)
  • Price: Rp. 100,000
  • Due Date: 08 Nov 2023