
The role of paper presenters at the 4th International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICEMAC 2023) is pivotal to the success of the event, both in the offline and hybrid formats. As experts and scholars in their respective fields, paper presenters are responsible for showcasing their latest research findings, innovative ideas, and practical insights related to the conference themes. Their presentations serve as a means to disseminate cutting-edge knowledge and contribute to the collective learning experience of conference attendees.

Selected research papers presented at ICEMAC 2023 will have the opportunity to be published in prestigious conference proceedings or renowned academic journals, further amplifying the impact of the presenters' contributions within the academic community and beyond.

Product Information

  • Program: International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting
  • Name Product: Presenter
  • Price: Rp. 2,850,000
  • Due Date: 09 Feb 2024